Climate Tech, Energy


I work at Scrum Ventures Group, a seed-early venture capital group based in Silicon Valley and Tokyo. I cover areas including, but not limited to, carbon capture, GHG mitigation, hydrogen, and mobility. In particular I lead GreenX, a program that promotes new business in carbon neutrality through open innovation.

Chat with me, or follow me on Twitter where I talk about these topics!

シード・アーリーのベンチャーキャピタルグループScrum Ventures Groupで働いています。炭素回収、GHG削減、水素、モビリティ領域など、幅広い領域に関心があります。主な業務としては、脱炭素をテーマとしたオープンイノベーションプログラムGreenXを担当しています。


Past media engagements



The Biden Administration and U.S. EV Policy


Online Seminar for Response Magazine


Online Event


This seminar introduced the current policy trends related to electrification under the Biden administration, and will also included a discussion with Manji Suzuki about EVs and related climate tech startups in the U.S. Response is a general automotive news site that provides information and services related to automobiles.


Green Talent Hub(GTH) インタビュー

Interview with Green Talent Hub (GTH)


Youtube Interview with GTH (Carbon Neutral Career Channel)


Online Event


Interview with Mr. Iguchi, CEO of Green Talent Hub Inc. to talk about GreenX, the global open innovation program on the theme of "decarbonization," my bacground and career leading up to Scrum.

Green Talent Hub Inc. operates a recruiting and advisory placement business and green reskilling services under the theme of "decarbonization x human resources".

「脱炭素」をテーマにしたグローバル事業共創プログラム「GREEN X」、生い立ち、スクラムまでのキャリア構成について、グリーンタレントハブ株式会社CEO井口さんとのインタビュー。



Understanding and utilizing carbon neutral related technologies: organizing information to take advantage of superior technologies


Panel Discussion at TMIP (EGG Japan Marunouchi Bldg)

TMIPパネルディスカッション(EGG Japan 丸ビル)

Hybrid Event


Deloitte Tohmatsu compiled a list of promising CN technologies in terms of CO2 reduction potential, CO2 reduction cost, and technology maturity to create the "CN Technology List. In this panel discussion, Deloitte announced the list of technologies and invited companies from the viewpoints of investors and research institutes.

In this context, Yuko spoke on current status and challenges of Japan's efforts toward carbon neutrality from an investor's perspective.



YOUはどうしてClimate Techへ:Scrum Ventures 島田弓芙子さん 

What Brings you to Climate Tech?: feat. Scrum Ventures Yuko Shimada


Live Session with FoundX Tokyo University

FoundX Tokyoとの対談

Hybrid Event


Live Interview with Takkaki Umada, director of Tokyo University FoundX, on climate tech trends, GreenX, and climate initiatives at Scrum Ventures. FoundX provides accelerator programs, hosts events and panel discussions to promote the growth of climate tech startups in Japan, in addition to the ongoing Youtube/podcast series “What Brings You to Climate Tech” which hosts interviews with innovators and investors in climate tech.

起業家はなぜ Climate Tech(気候テック) に興味を持ったのか。どこにチャンスがあるのかを聞くシリーズ、「You はどうして Climate Tech に?」シリーズを収録するTokyo University FoundXリーダーの馬田さんとのライブ対談です。

Climate Tech Japan/CIC Japan 2023/6/22

Japan’s Climate Tech Trends and Actions to take by 2030

日本のClimate Tech業界のトレンド、そして2030年までに取るべきアクションとは?

Open Event


Participated as a panelist hosted by Climate Tech Japan, discussing specific actions that the industry, especially startup executives and investors, should take by 2030, and why young people in their 20s and 30s should get involved in Climate Tech now, with Nishiwada, CEO of Asuene Corporation, and Mr. Nishiwada, CEO of Asuene Corporation, and Mr. Hata, Managing Partner of GLIN Impact Capital, joined him on the stage.

Climate Tech Japan distributes a weekly data-driven newsletter to its readers, including entrepreneurs, investors, and market leaders.

Climate Tech Japan主催のパネリストとして参加。2030年までに業界、特にスタートアップ経営者と投資家が取るべき具体的なアクション、そして20代・30代の若者が今Climate Techに取り組むべき理由などについて、アスエネ株式会社の西和田CEOやGLIN Impact Capital 秦代表パートナーと登壇。

Climate Tech Japanでは、起業家、投資家、市場リーダーなどの読者に対し、データに基づいた週間ニュースレターを配信。

Cleantech Group

Cleantech Forum Asia 2023/6/6-7

Panel: Interactive Briefing: Green Steel: Will Innovation and Opportunity Outweigh the Roadblocks?


Closed Event for participants


The Cleantech Group, based in San Francisco, CA, is a highly influential organization in the cleantech space. The organization is a global leader in providing research, consulting, and events that promote growth opportunities through sustainable innovation.

Yuko serves as an expert panelist for the Cleantech Group to recommend and select the most promising startups in the cleantech space in the APAC region.


島田は、APACにおける専門化パネリストとして、アジア地域におけるクリーンテック革新企業として「2022 APAC Cleantech 25」の選出をしている。

X-Hub Tokyo 2023/1/17

Panel: X-HUB TOKYO 2022 #5 Seminar "Open innovation required for large corporates"



X-Hub Tokyo is a Tokyo Metropolitan government initiative that supports overseas expansion of startups in Tokyo. In the panel discussion, large corporations and organizations that support startups discussed open innovation required for large companies today.

X-Hub Tokyoは都内スタートアップの海外進出を支援する東京都のイニシアティブ。本イベントでは、スタートアップとの連携を検討している大企業やスタートアップの支援機関の方を対象に、大企業のオープンイノベーション事例や、国内外のスタートアップとの新規事業創出に関する有益な情報やノウハウを共有した。

X-Hub Tokyo 2023/1/11

Panel: Market Overview on Cleantech


Closed Event


Participated as the sole panelist providing a market overview of startups/ market trends in the cleantech space, for overseas startups who are looking to enter Japan. This was part of the inbound program of the X-Hub Tokyo initiative.

X-Hub TokyoのInbound Seminarにて、日本の進出を希望する海外スタートアップ向けにCleantech領域の市場概況やスタートアップ情報を提供しました。

Crunchbase 2022/7/19

Article: Why Mobility Startups Should Take A Hard Look At Japan



Crunchbase is the leading provider of insights from early-stage startups to the Fortune 1000. In this article, we look into why mobility startups overseas have a large range of opportunities in entering Japan, a country that is home to a large number of automobile OEMs.

Crunchbaseは、アーリーステージのスタートアップからFortune 1000までの情報を提供する世界最大級のデータベースです。この記事では、海外のモビリティスタートアップが、自動車産業が盛んな日本に参入する意義や機会について記載しています。

TechCrunch Japan 2022/2/25

記事:「脱炭素」でさらに注目が集まる気候テック、IoT、AI、SaaS活用でさまざまな企業、サービスが誕生 Article: “Climate Tech Trends: New Startups and Services in IoT, AI, SaaS”


TechCrunchは主にIT系のスタートアップやWebに関するニュースを配信するアメリカのブログサイトです。Climate Tech領域で注目のスタートアップの例と概要についてまとめています。

TechCrunch is a leading blog that provides news on IT trends and startups. This article examines various startups and news in the climate tech space.

※ TechCrunch Japanは2022年2月で終了となったため、記事へのリンクはDropboxに格納しております。

*TechCrunch Japan has closed in February 2022, so the article is saved on a Dropbox link.

X-Hub Tokyo 2022/2/28

Panel: Market Overview on Cleantech


Closed Event


Participated as the sole panelist providing a market overview of startups/ market trends in the cleantech space, for overseas startups who are looking to enter Japan. This was part of the inbound program of the X-Hub Tokyo initiative.

X-Hub TokyoのInbound Seminarにて、日本の進出を希望する海外スタートアップ向けにCleantech領域の市場概況やスタートアップ情報を提供しました。

X-Hub Tokyo 2022/2/21

Panel: Market Overview on Mobility


Closed Event


Participated as the sole panelist providing a market overview of startups/ market trends in the mobility space, for overseas startups who are looking to enter Japan. This was part of the inbound program of the X-Hub Tokyo initiative.

X-Hub TokyoのInbound Seminarにて、日本の進出を希望する海外スタートアップ向けにMobility領域の市場概況やスタートアップ情報を提供しました。

Article 2021/9/26


Article: Study Guide: Auto Makers’ Electrification Strategy


Article summarizing EV trends for leading auto OEMs.


Article 2021/9/23

記事:超簡易版 日本のカーボンニュートラル、第1回:現状と政権交代に向けて Article: A Short Summary on Japan’s Carbon Neutral Policy, Part 1


Article summarizing Japan’s Carbon Neutral Policy.


UNECE 2016/4/19

Report: “Assessment of Market Trends in Liquefied Natural Gas” 



This report provides an overview of latest trends in natural gas for the Economic Affairs Officers at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).  This report was developed as part of a Capstone Workshop at the University of Columbia School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).

国際連合欧州経済委員会の委託で行われた天然ガスの市場分析レポートです。本調査は、コロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院(SIPA) のCapstone Workshopの一環として実施されました。

Maureen & Mike Mansfield Foundation 2013/4/13


“Statement on Shared Strategic Priorities in the Aftermath of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident”



The U.S.-Japan Nuclear Working Group is an independent, bi-national group of experts (opinion leaders, policymakers, IAEA experts from Japan and US) that have been convened to examine the broader strategic implications of the accident in 3/11.